When HMRC Comes to Visit by Sarah Scala and Michael Balmer

Sarah Scala and Michael Balmer explain the important role that a tax adviser, specialist solicitor and a business’s work force has to play when faced with an unexpected visit from HMRC.

If HMRC show up unannounced, business owners often regret not having given more thought to the possibility of a visit from the tax authority and the steps that will need to be followed.

As professional advisers we need not only be mindful of what to advise clients if they call us in a panic because HMRC have just shown up with a warrant, but we and our staff must also know what to do if HMRC turn up at our own premises wanting to investigate our financial position or if they want access to our client files because one of our clients is being investigated.

With remote and hybrid working now common place, one must also consider the possibility that business owners or members of the management team may not necessarily be on the premises when the bell rings. 

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