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Here are some featured articles from the latest issue to

June / July 2024 Issue

R&D: a horror story

Paul Rosser relates a brief history of R&D advisor scams – and it makes for shocking reading… Since being introduced in 2000 for SMEs and...

HMRC’s VAR: valuing agents’ remuneration

New HMRC guidance on football agents’ fees and dual representation contracts has been issued. Here Patrick Way KC offers some interpretative analysis. On 13 May...

April / May 2024 Issue

Where’s the Duty of Care?

Is HMRC really concerned about the welfare of the taxpayer? Nick Davies does some digging through HMRC’s own resources… Readers may recall my article on...

‘Nudge Letters’ – Be Very Afraid

Salman Anwar’s ‘how to’ guide explains the best way of responding to an infamous nudge letter from HMRC. Receiving a brown envelope from HMRC can...

February / March 2024 Issue

Restoring justice for taxpayers

UK taxpayers deserve a Bill of Rights and they need it now, says Dave Chaplin. Friends, colleagues and fellow tax advisors – we all share...

MTD: MakingTax Difficult –and demanding and deceptive

What is the point of the MTD? Tony Monger dissects the initiative and fails to come up with a single positive. Like a lot of...

December / January 2024 Issue

AI: looking beyond the hype

Nick Stobbs explores the realities of using Large Language Models such as ChatGPT for tax research. The complexity of the UK tax code, with its...

You couldn’t make it up!

Mark McLaughlin points out that there may be unfortunate consequences for clients who turn a blind eye to their agent’s errors Tax return errors by...

October / November 2023 Issue

HMRC production orders: what are they and how should you respond?

Adam Craggs and Michelle Sloane explore HMRC’s powers to compel the production of documents or information during a criminal investigation. The ability of HMRC to...

The view from the trenches

Dave Wase describes his experiences of dealing with HMRC’s R&D Tax Credits Volume Compliance Team. With the UK tax gap estimated to be somewhere north...

August / September 2023 Issue

Where’s the safeguarding?

Do HMRC do enough to recognise the truly vulnerable? Do they understand the stress a prolonged investigation brings to bear? The Contentious Tax Group’s...

It’s a digital jungle out there: a crypto tax roadmap

In the first in a new series on crypto, Andy Wood creates a mindmap (of sorts) of some of the crypto-related scenarios an adviser...