Plastic packaging tax: an update by Abigail McGregor

Abigail McGregor crunches the salient numbers for the PPT, introduced in the UK 18 months ago.

The amount of plastic packaging imported into the UK fell during the first year of the plastic packaging tax (PPT) being in effect, according to new data.

The PPT took effect on 1 April 2022 and applies to plastic packaging manufactured in, or imported into, the UK that does not contain at least 30% recycled plastic. The tax is calculated on a fixed amount per tonne. Manufacturers or importers of 10 or more tonnes of plastic packaging over a 12-month period must register for the tax. Businesses face a range of penalties for non-compliance.

Statistics published by HMRC show that the amount of plastic packaging declared when imported to the UK fell from 556 tonnes for the period of April to June 2022 to 316 tonnes by January to March 2023, the final quarter of the financial year. In the second and third quarters of the year, 478 and 339 tonnes respectively was imported.

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